Abuse and inequality—at the hands of American law enforcement—comes in all forms.
The death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer has been condemned broadly—by everyone from the Republican president and leaders of both parties to Americans of every color, religion, and partisan affiliation.
The nation now is engulfed in a heated and inarguably dangerous debate about “systemic racism.” Every aspect of the nation’s law enforcement apparatus, activists insist, is the framework that enables this alleged travesty.
“Many Americans . . . do not see these levers of power as protecting them, or even representing them,” U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a June 6 statement. “And rightfully so. The same offices that can be used for good, can and have been used to oppress. That must change.”
Calls for police reform and accountability are happening on a bipartisan basis. That has not been the case, however, when it comes to Obamagate. Democrats, led by the forked-tongue Schiff, have spent the past three years defending, even justifying, unprecedented abuses by the nation’s top law enforcement chiefs related to their targeting of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family members.
The Trump-related victims of James Comey’s FBI may not be black, they were unfairly targeted nevertheless. It was not race that motivated their persecutors, nor was it any actual suspected wrongdoing. They were targeted because of their political views.
See Also:
(1) The Real Reform We Require
(2) Dem Leaders in Seattle Surrender to the Mob, Allow Antifa Goons to Take Over Part of the City
(3) NYPD cop says he’s now ‘humiliated’ that he took a knee, crowd pressured him into doing it
(4) Outrage Mob: With Tensions Running High, Cancel Culture Is Spinning Dangerously Out of Control
(5) Seattle’s CHAZ Gains First Feudal Warlord, Takes Steps to Become Rogue State