February 9, 2025
Since his appearance on the political scene in 2015, Donald Trump has drawn out the liars and hypocrites of our times and given them the space to expose their mendacity. The last few weeks have drawn out abundant examples.
Under President Trump’s watch, the pile of exposed falsehoods and hypocrisies continues to grow.
Under President Trump’s watch, the pile of exposed falsehoods and hypocrisies continues to grow.

Ever since he first descended the escalator in the Trump Tower lobby, Donald J. Trump has exposed the mendacity and hypocrisy that passes for politics in America.

The candidates sharing the primary stage with him came off as wooden dummies mouthing platitudes no one believed.

The political media showed it was in on the joke, pretending to take the establishment candidates seriously. The media’s charade was exposed in full later when President Trump slapped China with tariffs, exactly as he said he would do, and the media acted with shock and outrage—revealing they never expect politicians to do what they promise and resent it if they do.

The media’s wall-to-wall coverage of Trump’s 2016 rallies exposed the ratings-driven and celebrity-driven nature of our so-called news media. Trump made good ratings and that trumped the liberal media’s loathing for the man. Besides, the know-it-alls condescendingly assured themselves the Orange Man could never win, so they lapped up the audience-driven ad revenue and laughed at him all the way to the bank.

When Trump did win they knew they were complicit, giving him all that free TV time, and they hated themselves for doing it. But rather than admit it or change their business model, they turned their hatred on the president and recommitted to the same business model that worked against their preferences during the election. If Orange Man Bad delivers more eyeballs, forget about journalistic standards—hire the rankest of partisans and dress them up as “journalists” and “analysts.”

That exposed the falsehood of an “objective and neutral” news media and further exposed the ratings-driven nature of their entire enterprise.

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See Also:

(1) Trump versus all the crazed liberal lies

(2) Trump on renaming U.S. military bases honoring Confederate officers: No way!

(3) Archbishop Pens Letter to Trump Outing ‘Deep Church’ Following Attacks from ‘Modernist’ Bishops

(4) Trump administration proposes major asylum overhaul

(5) Our Civil War of Stupidity