Wendy Mesley was sacrificed on Tuesday at the altar of political correctness.
Her 40-year career as a stellar journalist with the CBC turned into ashes as she was first backstabbed by her colleagues at work and then offered by CBC management as a human sacrifice to vultures on a diet of cancel culture.
The CBC story on its website reported: “Wendy Mesley suspended from hosting after using ‘careless’ language in discussing racial issue.”
It left the clear impression that Mesley had uttered some racist remark on air. At no place did the story elaborate what the “careless” language was or that it was used in a staff meeting and that they were not Mesley’s words.
“It was not aimed at anyone, I was quoting a journalist we were intending to interview on a panel discussion about coverage of racial inequality,” Mesley said in an apology statement posted online.
[Interesting Read]
I am no fan of Wendy Mesley. We are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. She also works for the CBC which I despise. BUT, this suspension is flat out wrong. If it is as she says it is, then I am on her side. By the way, Canadians gave Harper a majority government. He knew full well what the CBC was all about yet he didn’t have the guts to pull the funding. Shame.