February 13, 2025
Is there anything more disgusting than an American on his knees before a tyrant?
Police kneel during a rally in Coral Gables, Florida, on Saturday in response to the death of George Floyd.
Police kneel during a rally in Coral Gables, Florida, on Saturday in response to the death of George Floyd.

Every four years, athletes from around the world gather to compete at the Olympics. Before the games start, there’s a processional into the host stadium. It’s one of the most inspirational moments to witness. Each country’s team comes in clad in uniforms that harken to the culture, heritage, and history of their home.

The United States team is one of the last teams to enter the arena due to their name starting with “U,” and they are unlike any other team in myriad ways. First off, they’re exuberant, joyful, and bursting with optimistic energy in a way that’s obviously and uniquely American but difficult to quantify. Second, they’re diverse. Every color, every race, every ethnicity, creed, and background is represented on the U.S. team. Despite their diversity, they’re united. It’s beautiful and in stark contrast to other countries who claim open-mindedness but due to their culture are homogenous in look and belief.

But the most important way the United States Olympians are different from every other country: They don’t bow. To anyone.

When the Games were held in Spain, every other team stopped, turned to face the King and bowed their heads. In contrast, the Americans walked to the King’s box, did not turn their bodies, but turned their heads, looked into the King’s eyes, turned back, and kept walking. They showed respect for the man, but they did not bow. The King is just a man, after all.

Why? Because Americans do not bow to their fellow man. They answer to one authority, and one alone: God’s.

[Read It all]

See Also:

(1) America Deserves a New FBI

(2) Comey, Clapper, Rice Subpoenas Probe Depths Of Obama Administration Corruption

(3) More Than One Mad Dog in Washington

(4) Liberal generals beclowning the military

(5) Justice Is Coming: ‘As Many as 16-17’ Obamagate Criminal Referrals Headed to DOJ


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June 11, 2020 12:32 pm

Americans don’t kneel but their political leaders do. The rocked by systemically (favourite word lately) corrupt FBI begins to take a knee. An unsupported morally broken municipal police force begins to kneel. Even smatterings of the National Guard begin to kneel. All in subservience to the tyrants. The blood thirsty mob whose goal is to slash America’s jugular vein once and for all. AGAIN, Project Veritas and Judicial Watch replace the FBI and the DOJ. Here’s what IMO President Trump should do immediately for Seattle.

1. Fire FBI Director Chris Wray and appoint an honest rule of law believing true patriot. They are out there. Joe DiGenova or Richard Grenell come immediately to mind but there’s more.

2. A private conference call to the Governor of the State of Washington and Mayor of Seattle. Advise them they have 24 hrs to initiate observable action against the anarchists/terrorists who are illegally occupying a multi-block area of Seattle. Domestic and foreign funded seditionists and common criminals that are terrorizing 500 innocent American families. Think about it…..500 American families held prisoners inside their own city/country and nobody lifts a finger to come to their aid? WTF is going on? On top of that the anarchists/terrorist are extorting businesses within the occupied territory. They are also destroying and defacing both public and private property.

3. Disclose no plan of action to the cowardly enabler politicians other than “you have 24 hrs to restore law and order and free the America prisoners living in the occupied zone”. They would convey what they are told despite knowing that doing so would cost more innocent lives lost.

4. President Donald Trump on Monday threatened to deploy the U.S. military to stop national protests over the killing of George Floyd and police brutality. What is happening is not protests, it is disguised as a protest. The Insurrection Act of 1807 gives a president latitude to deploy troops domestically and was most recently used in 1992. O.K. now do it! Upon the expiration of the 24 hrs order in riot squads backed by Swat Teams and the National Guard and take back the city, free the citizens and clean out the rats nest. With extreme prejudice. The FBI could ask Project Veritas for the identities of the ring leaders and to share criminal evidence to support their arrests and prosecution. That is both extreme sarcasm and sickenly true. Set the example. It’s overdue. Enough is enough.
