While they were supposed to be on patrol to protect our nation’s capital from looters, a large group from the FBI’s Washington field office encountered a mob. Wearing their FBI insignia, sidearms, and tactical vests, they bent their knees in servitude to the movement sweeping the country and grasping at the levers of American power.
Citizens might have hoped the FBI would take the side of the law against the identitarian mob looting, rioting, and generally plaguing our cities. Police are being shot, stabbed, dragged through the streets, and run over at an alarming rate. Peaceful merchants aren’t being protected by the police and are savagely beaten when they futilely try to reason with the mob.
The FBI’s response? Surrender without a shot fired. How long before their new masters put the FBI to work bringing about the revolution?
The slogans, “white privilege,” and “white silence is violence,” point to the mass struggle sessions we can anticipate as the politics of the streets spills into corporate and government training sessions. In 2020, we hear condemnations of the oppressor racial class that could have been lifted from propaganda in past tragedies against Jews, Tutsi, and Kulaks. The targets change but the script is startlingly un-original: A single flashpoint is used to justify rage against an ethnic group accused of oppressing the masses.
The “struggle sessions” pioneered by mass murderer Mao Zedong masquerade as open forums in which everyone is encouraged to speak freely. In practice, the sessions are a means of detecting dissidents and bullying fence-sitters into seeking safety through conversion to the rigidity of the cult.
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See Also:
(1) A letter to the American public: Why you must decide what you want from cops
(2) An Open Letter to a Protester From a Baltimore County Police Officer
(4) Georgia state trooper tells protesters he only kneels for God in viral video
(5) If You Want to Know What Dismantling the Police Looks Like, Look Across the Pond
(6) Distraught Chicago officials heard on tape fuming over looting, riots: ‘My ward is a s–t show’
(7) New Undercover Video Blows Lid Off Antifa Domestic Terrorists
(8) Antifa Militants Seize Seattle Police HQ, Set Up ‘Autonomous Zone’