A genuine irony exists today despite widespread mainstream media silence, in that a broader spectrum of Americans are beginning to realize that a Deep State of political elitists and a real Criminal Cabal exists at the core of the United States government. This entity, no matter how it is identified is only slowly coming out of the shadows and into the light. Nevertheless, public exposure and identification of the core criminal elements is a slow and arduous process. This identification process may be the initial step, and seminal effort to destroy the nerve center that has been entrenched in the proverbial swamp in Washington politics..
The very first step in that process of identification was the election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States in 2016. Such an unusual series of politically motivated events surrounded the election in an aura of awe and shock. Hillary Clinton and the “Democratic” National Committee rigged the “Democratic” primary process, which later brought out the Bernie Sanders’ arm of the Party to sue their own DNC. Later, American citizens learned that although Trump was publically sworn to abide by the election results on national television, the Democrats were under no such constraints. The whining and then the street theater by the Democrat “Brown Shirts,” and the ranting by the MSM media “stars” represented a phase of rejection of the election results that fell flat.
Then Americans began learning of a shadow government within the federal government—consisting of those unelected bureaucrats that remain in their jobs despite the winds of political change that may bring a new political party and new players into the halls of Washington’s cumbersome and powerful bureaucracy. Americans learned through the MSM that there was alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and those dastardly Russians. However, what the MSM conveniently refused to cover was the Deep State intelligence operatives who had colluded with a British foreign agent who had been hired for his “professional” services to create suspicion over Trump and his campaign.
Americans learned of the term Deep State despite denial of the major MSM outlets. In March of 2017 in this time frame of the Deep State emerging into public consciousness, Max Fisher, a New York Times columnist, claimed the deep state is not real. He also warned that there would be real consequences for blaming the Trump’s administrative problems on the deep state if it does not exist. (“What Happens When You Fight a ‘Deep State’ That Doesn’t Exist?”—March 10, 2017). Unfortunately, Mr. Fisher did not provide information on the consequences regarding the genuine existence of a Deep State within the federal bureaucracy.