February 13, 2025
If the companies won't fix their homes, take away their cash cow
Across the industry, the Ford government needs to send a message: Fix your broken homes or you will lose them and those lucrative retirement home licenses as well.
Across the industry, the Ford government needs to send a message: Fix your broken homes or you will lose them and those lucrative retirement home licenses as well.

To read the websites for the owners of the homes that were detailed in the Canadian Armed Forces report earlier this week, you would think you were signing your parents up for Shangri-La. Nothing on these online brochures would hint at the hell described in that report.

“Creating caring environments,” is the slogan at Southbridge Care. “Live to the fullest,” they promise. Meanwhile at Orchard Villa in Pickering, just one of the 37 communities run by Southbridge Care, the military found something very different.

This was the home where cockroaches, flies, rotting food and residents left in soiled diapers were found. Residents were being fed while laying down instead of sitting up, medication errors by nurses were noted.

None of this is on the website of Southbridge Care but company CEO Ryan Bell does want you to know that he is open to acquiring more retirement or long-term care homes to enhance our resident environments.

How about we say a hard no to Mr. Bell and his team at Southbridge Care until they clean up the homes they have now?


See Also:

(1) Who owns the 5 Ontario long-term care homes cited by military for extreme neglect, abuse?

(2) Hellish long-term care facilities like death’s waiting rooms

(3) Time to start allowing family caregivers into LTC homes

(4) Supporting the families of military aiding during COVID

(5) Ontario now considering regional approach to reopening the province