America’s Great Shutdown started with The Great Mistake. Vital lessons must emerge from both, and propel the reopening of America, rooted in the “only normal” for America, the promise of liberty.
Not many weeks ago, a small cadre of ‘experts’ (Government Doctors) told President Trump that America was facing the potential of 2.2 million deaths due to an alarming virus coming out of Communist China. That figure, and the expectation of high hospitalization and lethality rates, and consequent projected massive shortages of ICU and hospital beds came from now completely debunked models released in mid-March by Dr. Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College London. (The virus of course was and is real, and is contagious, as viruses are. A small number of hotspots emerged, and shortages of equipment occurred and were met. But the model’s lethality estimate for America was wildly exaggerated and in fact simply false.) The Great Mistake was launching guidelines based on bad data in bad models.
This Great Shutdown at the hands of governors and elected and non-elected officials has destroyed the economy, large and small businesses, and the economic security of individuals and families. It has launched an unprecedented avalanche of unemployment claims and unsustainable federal “bailout” spending. It has emboldened petty tyrants with dubious authority but mountain-sized swagger to issue ‘orders’ that control the lives and movements of American citizens.
The Great Shutdown continued even as the Great Mistake became obvious. Microbiologists and immunologists spoke out to say that the House Arrest for the Healthy (shelter-in-place) was unnecessary because this virus has a lethality rate similar to that of the seasonal flu, not the wildly exaggerated rates of the incorrect models. They pointed out that the mask and distancing protocols were also unnecessary and flowed from the unwarranted fear of high lethality. They showed that the House Arrest for the Healthy prevents society from developing herd immunity and therefore extends the duration of the threat of the virus, and worse, that keeping people isolated from the virus and life weakens their immune systems and therefore renders them more vulnerable. They said a better plan for America was to protect the vulnerable, quarantine the sick, and let the vast majority of healthy Americans continue to live and work in freedom.
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See Also:
(1) China coronavirus cover up? New report suggests ‘hazardous event’ at Wuhan lab
(2) Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus
(4) One of the few certainties of COVID-19 crisis is that things are going to change with China