February 13, 2025
Justin Trudeau Shows Just How Clueless a Leader Can Be in the Middle of a Pandemic
Some reminded him that ventilators needed electricity, trying to bring him back to some semblance of present reality.
Some reminded him that ventilators needed electricity, trying to bring him back to some semblance of present reality.

Consider how lucky we are when we look north at our friends in Canada and see the leader they have there as Prime Minister.

Justin Trudeau has shown a long history of being a clueless liberal.

Not only do Canadians have to deal with the restrictions and economic problems of dealing with a pandemic, but on top of that, they are about to face a carbon tax increase that will go into effect when their economy is already grievously strained.

Even in the face of a pandemic, the climate craziness apparently takes precedence.

From Global News:

Earlier in the week, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association put out a statement urging the federal government to cancel the scheduled increase, citing strains on household expenses.

“The Canadian economy is facing a serious challenge. Adding a 50 per cent increase in the carbon tax is a further hit to grain farmers’ bottom line and Canadian consumers’ food bills. Now is not the time to be to be adding to our household expenses,” said Gunter Jochum, president of the farm advocacy group.

“Our focus should be on the health and economic well-being of all Canadians.”

500,000 Canadians have filed for employment insurance already.

Trudeau has refused to say if the tax will still go into effect this week and dodged the question when asked by reporters.


See Also:

(1) For Canada to get through this, we must hope the U.S. does as well

(2) Trudeau refuses to scrap carbon tax hike during COVID-19 crisis

(3) Canada’s truckers paying the price for COVID-19