February 13, 2025
Joe Biden: Not a Socialist, Just a Scoundrel
He is a vicious partisan, a coward, and a habitual liar.
He is a vicious partisan, a coward, and a habitual liar.

Poor Bernie Sanders! The youth vote failed to show up for him. The youth vote always fails to show up — it will break your heart every time. Senator Sanders didn’t lose to Joe Biden — he lost to Tinder, weed, and The Resident. The kids were doing themselves a favor — young people have more of a future for Senator Sanders and his coterie of socialist dingbat malefactors to ruin.

Arising from the tumult, triumphant, was the dotty figure of Joe Biden. Biden and Sanders vying for the Democratic nomination, Michael Bloomberg perhaps at least dreaming idly of a third-party run — as of today, the youngest man with a realistic shot of winning the 2020 presidential election is Donald Trump, 73 years of age.

What can we say for Joe Biden?

For one thing, he is not a socialist.

So, he is not a socialist.

What is he?

He is a vicious self-serving political hack, for one thing, one whose ambition leads him from time to time into shocking indecency. You may have heard that Biden lost his wife and daughter in a horrifying drunk-driving wreck, the fault of a monster of a man who irresponsibly “drank his lunch,” as Biden puts it.

Never happened.

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See Also:

(1) The 2020 Race Is Now A Referendum On Barack Obama

(2) Elizabeth Warren Ends Presidential Bid After Super Tuesday Losses

(3) Something Socialist This Way Comes?

(4) Schumer’s SCOTUS threat was truly unprecedented, then he made it worse

(5) Joe Biden Offered Pete Buttigieg a Job in His Administration, and May Have Broken the Law Doing So