February 14, 2025
Protecting the Unborn From the Ultimate Pain
Society flirts “with moral recklessness” if we don’t change permissive abortion laws.
Society flirts “with moral recklessness” if we don’t change permissive abortion laws.

“Most men,” says “Game of Thrones” character Tyrion Lannister, “would rather deny a hard truth than face it.” This week the U.S. Senate will face some hard truths – and confront several persistent myths – as it considers the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S.3275). The bill would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy on the basis that the fetus is capable of feeling pain. 

The hard truths surrounding this bill are easily accessible to anyone with a scintilla of curiosity about the competing claims. A few simple Google searches reveal shocking evidence that distinguish fact from fiction. 

Late abortions are very rare, and done only in cases of severe maternal or fetal health problems – true or false? 

In the nation’s capital, just a stone’s throw from the Senate chambers, four clinics routinely perform late-term abortions.  They operate in plain sight and openly advertise purely elective second- and third-trimester abortions. The abortion lobby’s own research shows late-term abortions are primarily performed on healthy women carrying healthy babies: “data suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” 

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