December 7, 2024
'Anybody But Trump!' sounds a lot more appealing before you are presented with the menu — or start to think about the bill.
How any particular locomotive on this runaway train of addlepated jackassery intends to actually govern, should one become president, is a mystery.
How any particular locomotive on this runaway train of addlepated jackassery intends to actually govern, should one become president, is a mystery.

To be honest, I’d almost forgotten what they were like.

Wednesday’s Democratic presidential primary debate was revealing: Mike Bloomberg was revealed to be unprepared, something for which a man with his resources has no possible excuse; Amy Klobuchar was revealed to be a stammering daisy, her big moment coming when she whined that Mayor Pete was being mean to her about not knowing the name Andrés Manuel López Obrador; Bernie Sanders was revealed to be — well, we already knew that; Elizabeth Warren revealed herself to be the titular heroine of “Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning,” her madcap thrashing about no less obviously death throes for all of its animating rage; Joe Biden was there; my sympathy was with Pete Buttigieg as he turned around the stage from clod to cretin and from scold to demagogue with that Tucker Carlson-ish look on his face saying, “Who the @#$%&! are these clowns?” He’s a preposterous candidate for president — or would be, in more normal times — but he is very good as an audience surrogate.

The great highlight for me was watching Senator Warren. I am reminded of the Republican 2016 primary contender I saw a few days after Donald Trump’s victory in the general election. “I’m not sure about the guy who won,” he said, “but it was so . . . satisfying . . . watching her lose.” (No, these debates do not bring out the best in me. But, then, they don’t bring out the best in the contestants, either.) Senator Warren is a terrible campaigner, and her tribune-of-the-plebs shtick is awkward, because she so obviously and clearly detests people — take my advice, from one misanthrope to another, senator: This ain’t your game.

Warren’s leaps of imagination were amusing, though.


See Also:

(1) The Democrat debate, a bonfire of their vanities

(2) The Democrats’ personalities were exposed in Nevada, and it wasn’t pretty

(3) The Morning Briefing: Trump Train Keeps Steamrolling Dems

(4) Bloomberg Tries to Spin Last Night’s Debate into a Win in Doctored Clip

(5) Campaign Flailing, Elizabeth Warren Changes Her Mind On Super PACs


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