February 14, 2025
To Trudeau, MasterCard's CEO is the middle class
Trudeau's government has given Canadian Tire $2.7 million to put electric car charging stations at their gas bars, they gave Loblaws and the Weston family $12 million to install new fridges and they gave BlackBerry’s automated car division $40 million that the company’s CEO said they didn’t need.
Trudeau’s government has given Canadian Tire $2.7 million to put electric car charging stations at their gas bars, they gave Loblaws and the Weston family $12 million to install new fridges and they gave BlackBerry’s automated car division $40 million that the company’s CEO said they didn’t need.

When Justin Trudeau was first asked about his government’s decision to give MasterCard $50 million in corporate welfare earlier this week his immediate response was to invoke the middle class.

“Over the past five years we have been focused on growing the middle class and supporting those working hard to join it. That is exactly what we have done,” Trudeau said.

If you have a hard time figuring out how handing a company that made $16 billion last year is helping the middle class, then you’re not alone. Then again, we know the Trudeau government has a great deal of trouble defining the middle class.

Yes, we could make the usual jokes about Trudeau, born at 24 Sussex with a silver spoon in his mouth, not knowing the middle class. That would all be true and valid, it’s hard to get the middle class experience when you are a trust fund kid like he is.

Yet it is more than that. The Trudeau Liberals have been talking about “the middle class and those working hard to join it” for years now. They’ve run two elections on helping the middle class and after this last election appointed a Minister of Middle Class Prosperity.


See Also:

(1) That Canadian border crisis? Yup, it’s still happening

(2) Permanent residents excluded from Canada’s Wuhan evac flights

(3) Contraband cigarettes fund terrorism, organized crime

(4) What does Canada want in the Middle East? A hard month of diplomacy has forced Trudeau to find out

(5) Trudeau to visit Africa amid campaign for UN Security Council seat