February 13, 2025
The impeachment ‘sea change’ shows Trump can beat anyone in 2020
The elitist narrative about Donald Trump has begun a process of mutation.
The elitist narrative about Donald Trump has begun a process of mutation.

I address you, Dear Reader, from some 36,000 feet above the fruited plain. But since, before embarking, news that Sen. Lamar Alexander, though a reliable Trump basher, had decided to do the right thing and vote ‘no’ on calling more witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Trump, I can say with confidence that the jig is up, at least for this installment of the Democrats’ febrile effort to rid themselves of the duly elected president of the United States.

The phrase ‘sea change’, I believe, comes to us from The Tempest. It occurs in one of of Ariel’s songs: ‘Nothing of him that doth fade/But doth suffer a sea change/Into something rich and strange.’ I suspect we are on the cusp of a sea change in public sentiment that I have been expecting for some time. It is this: the elitist narrative about Donald Trump has begun a process of mutation. Most die-hard proponents of the anti-Trump calumny — I am tempted to call them ‘bitter enders’ — will not give up their litanies. They have too much invested — and have too many left-wing money bags investing — in their hectoring to stop now. But the charges — that Trump is a Russian stooge, that he’s a man of ‘bad character’, that he abused his power by suggesting that the ostentatious corruption of Hunter Biden be investigated: all that is over, dead, burn the refuse and scatter the ashes.

The impeachment circus was merely repellent and absurd while presided over by Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff during the House proceedings to devise something, anything, that could be ginned up into something resembling — from a distance and as long as you did not look too closely — an impeachable offense. But now that the circus has moved into the Senate, everything has changed. For one thing, the president’s legal team has exposed the malevolent fatuousness of the Dems’ case. Patrick Philbin destroyed one contention after the next in his masterly response to the questions read by our latest game show host, John Roberts. Alan Dershowitz provided a magnificent and — unless you are Jonah Goldberg — unanswerable exposition of the Constitutional issues. And Jay Sekulow obliterated the Dems’ contention that calling more witnesses would be in the public interest with one of those made-for-TV ripostes:

[Fun Read]

See Also:

(1) Impeachment Has Brought a Massive Wave of Donations to the Trump Campaign

(2) Media puffery can’t hide the Democrats’ impeachment face plant

(3) From the rubble of impeachment fail, Democrats turn on each other

(4) Yes, Trump’s Acquittal Is Real, And It’s Spectacular

(5) Beware the Revenge Impeachment